Sipping Wine & Fishing For Bodies

In her favorite secluded fishing hole, Abigail is taken aback (and almost too excited) to find a mysterious stranger dead in the water. With her pet ferret Flick as company, Abigail Stone runs Sweet Street, a cozy ice cream shop in the small quaint town of Shelter Mountain, Alaska – along with a couple of disgruntled employees who want nothing to do with actual “work”. As an avid mystery reader, Abigail thinks she could practically solve any crime in her sleep. Upon discovering a dead... [Read More...]

Self-Love For Women

This book came to life from the many women who confided in the author when their hearts were broken. Determined to uplift every woman who was hurting, he spent hundreds of hours researching stories of strong women that have overcome their trials. The author wanted the reader to know that if these women can live a passionate life after what they’ve been through, the reader can also do the same. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Amorphan Adventure: Book 2 of the Universal Shapeshifter series

Jessi has never been so alone, the only Human student at the University on the alien planet, Amorpha. Unknown enemies try to kidnap Jessi one day so she and her Amorphan host family are put into protective custody in a secret location. Now her family are hostages, and she only has her shapeshifting and sentient hair to save them and herself. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Lost in Liberia

Tanzy is unlucky at love, lousy at work, horrible with directions and life sucks the big one. Easy solution, start a travel blog and take a trip. Philip Luck, aka The Fixer, goes into dangerous situations where agents need problems solved or tech fixed. A mix-up at the travel agency sends him racing after the ditsiest, cutest, and most confounding woman he has ever met. His frozen heart is locked away on a shelf, but she just might be the one person who can thaw him out. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Within: A Memoir of an Inner Alchemist

We’ve undoubtedly heard many times that the greatest journey is within. Above and beyond this truism, however, how many of us have been able to successfully navigate the world of consciousness and emerge with the capacity to guide others on the same journey? Alex Kroll is just such a guide. Within is a story that points us toward the source not only of healing, but awakening. To arrive at this source requires that we embark on our own hero’s journey, the archetypal seed of which is present i... [Read More...]

Stiff Drink: A British Nobleman and Secret MI6 Spy (Secret Billionaires Book 3)

Arthur Finch-Hatten is six-feet four-inches of hot, ripped, English billionaire nobleman who is wasting his life and his earldom so audaciously that his younger brother is suing him for control. Arthur stands to lose everything, and his new barrister, Genevieve, is not amused by his behavior. Arthur is enough to make any woman need a stiff drink. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: The Tales of Zren Janin boxed set

Three strangers race across two countries with only one goal: to survive. Kerek, Matasi, and Vikland are three countries squabbling like quarrelsome siblings. The Kerek King has allowed banditry against anyone with a different language or skin color, and the Vikland Empress has had enough of her travelers injured and killed outside of her borders. Matasi has also suffered from Kereks brutality but has the money and power or so the Triune Council believes to break Kerek without bloodshed. In a w... [Read More...]

Heartbreak Epiphanies and Justified Lust

Crazy world, so here’s a crazy book. Eccentric alienation, chaotic love and sex. Dedicated to passion for creative writing and essential freedom of expression, two irrepressible young characters seek to truly satisfy legitimate emotional and physical needs. Exorbitant beer drinking, rock music, travel, humor, hardship, all culminate in a collision course through exciting Las Vegas, a proven haven for outcasts, misfits, loners, and misunderstood nonconformists like them. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Haunt: A Novel (Loveletting Book 1)

Darkly romantic and wickedly twisted; a young woman who learns to become strong in the face of impossible circumstances, and a man who finds light in the midst of overwhelming darkness. Prepare yourself for the first book in a haunting new series…Loveletting. GOLD WINNER FOR GENERAL FICTION IN THE 2023 NEXT GENERATION INDIES AWARDS GOLD WINNER FOR ROMANCE IN THE 2023 FEATHERED QUILL BOOK AWARDS GOLD WINNER FOR ROMANCE IN THE 2023 BESTSELLERS WORLD AWARDS GOLD WINNER FOR ADULT FICTION IN T... [Read More...]