Mind Works

Why do we self-sabotage? How do we learn to be happy, to have fulfilling personal relationships, and find inner peace? The answers are already inside you. You need to know where to look. This requires more than telling yourself to think happy thoughts. You need to understand how your mind works. MindWorks is a simple guide for understanding the complexities of your consciousness. It offers a step-by-step guide for changing your mind – and your life. This book won’t teach you a philosoph... [Read More...]

Free: The Judas Personality: A Primer for Victims

The Judas Personality defines sociopath and psychopath and delineates where this disordered personality ends and sheer evil begins. Are they one and the same? What are the identifying features in sociopaths and in ourselves that can make us victims? Drawing on experiences of therapy clients and research of well-known cases, Dr. Lily Corsello explores antisocial personality disorder as it applies to the abusive individual as well as the serial killer, from biblical, social, and psychological vie... [Read More...]

Powerful Intentions Everyday Gratitude

This transformational book is a 100-day journey to the center of YOU! Using simple language, humor, and everyday life examples, Sue Urda assists you on your personal journey to a joy-filled existence. She guides you to your own profound conclusions as she sets the stage for you to create your own amazing life. Powerful Intentions ~ Everyday Gratitude is the beginning… and there is no end. $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Overcoming Anxiety

Imagine feeling in control of your emotions and no longer dealing with an anxiety attack on your way to work. You might be surprised to know that you can conquer and overcome anxiety. It may be easier than you imagined it could be. How would I know? Because I’ve personally done it. My anxiety and depression began in my early teenage years. I suffered from severe social anxiety that made it difficult to go to school, church, a grocery store, or anywhere else there would be a large group of peo... [Read More...]


This book is very interesting and enriching! Written in a clear and warm way, the book is full of precious and varied possibilities to improve self-esteem and explore the wonders and mystery of this human life. We skillfully merge theory and practice into a practical manual to develop and strengthen self-esteem. Written in a simple conversational style, this captivating book offers practical advice interspersed with scenes from real life. This book is for everyone who wants to manage the s... [Read More...]

Hacking Evolution: Ditch Anxiety & Get Happy…Forever

Why is anxiety rising and at epidemic levels? Why aren’t people happier? What can we do about it? This book was written to help. By understanding how thinking and emotions evolved to help us survive, you will also learn how to feel better right now. In this humorous and personal exploration, Dr. Kelln takes you on a fascinating journey into the evolution of your brain to understand why anxiety was so crucial thousands of years ago. Then you will learn about finding those spaces between though... [Read More...]

The Honest Griever – Truths God Reveals on the Journey from Pain to Purpose

Do you long for a book that’s brutally honest about the hard work of grieving a deep loss? Do you want that same book to give you a reason to hope for a brighter tomorrow despite your heartache? The Honest Griever does exactly that. It chronicles the author’s journey after the death of her husband of 31 years. Through the heartbreak, she openly shares her struggles and her victories — and how God walked beside her, teaching her to stand on his unfailing promises. Here’s ... [Read More...]

Escape Route

Jen Crawley’s first official introduction to alcohol was in the womb. From that very moment, alcohol has played an integral role in her life. Bearing witness to an abusive alcoholic dad, navigating the challenges of young adulthood with a developing alcohol addiction, and finally finding the courage to break free from the shackles herself, Jen’s story will undoubtedly grip you. Jen Crawley’s recovery story will find a way into your head, heart, and soul. Included is a #Project Sober guide... [Read More...]