Everything I Wish I Knew When I Was 18: Advice For Young Men to Create a Great Life for Themselves

Everything I Wish I Knew When I Was 18: Advice For Young Men to Create a Great Life for Themselves

There’s so much about life that were not taught in schools. We’re not taught to develop ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually. We’re told that we have to go to college or we wont be successful, but that isn’t true at all. We’re not taught how to pick a career that will create the life we want. We’re not taught how to invest and prepare for retirement. Most importantly, w’ere not taught how to date efficiently, find genuine desire and how to lead and manage a successful relationship. We’re also told that marriage is the goal, but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, it’s a bad deal for men. I didn’t learn all of this stuff until after I was 35 years old, but I wish I knew all of this when I was 18. After reading this, you’ll be better prepared to build a great life for yourself! $9.97 on Kindle.
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