Wacky on the Junk

“In this hilarious debut memoir, Kathy Varner reflects on a life lived on the fringes of ordinary. From an awkward childhood as the youngest of five, living off sweets and processed foods, to a wild adolescence of drinking, drugs, and Deadhead hijinks, to a harrowing career with social services, Kathy takes it all in stride, embracing the beauty and pain of life with a sardonic wit and a sense of adventure that remains undampened—no matter how wacky things get.” $4.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

An Officer’s Journey

This is a story of one junior officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and how he came of age during a two-year tour of duty, one at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, and one in Vietnam. Most Vietnam books are about the policy debacles or about the nitty-gritty of combat. This one is different. This is a personal journey of growth tempered by stress, excitement, passion, fear, heartache, and humor. $1.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Kyrie Eleison

Follow one artist’s plight to ground herself through many trials and mishaps and heartbreak all compounded by her bi- polar depression. M Martin was raised in the freewheelin 60s, and she niavely beleives love is the answer but succumbs to many unloving situations like pitfalls………finally she resurfaces to the call of her soul and you will see her victory….each chapter begins with a glimpse of her sculpture works. $9.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: That’s Why You’re Here

How does a once harried soccer mom, who managed a 25 year State career, get flung out of her wheelhouse to become a Tarot reader and an author? For Erin Burrell, that life-altering moment began with a jarring knock at the door. A solemn detective delivered the news that a loved one had died. The grief and heart-splitting loss sent her groping for answers. Join her and see how she traveled unusual paths that allowed her to heal while overcoming many personal challenges. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Forever Haze of After: My Story of Resilience, Strength, and Companionship While Navigating My Afters

Every person has experienced a moment that changed them forever. Whether it was positive or negative, when it happened, you were never the same as you were just one second before. The Forever Haze of After is the realm you enter after that moment. Hilary Marsh takes readers on a journey through her life-changing moments—the moments that transported her into her “afters.” From her parents’ tumultuous divorce to finding out, after years of a turbulent relationship with her dad, that he ac... [Read More...]

Hollywood Hollyweird – How People Survive And Make It!

Hello Everyone! First I would like to say that I am African-American & my book “Hollywood: Hollyweird How People Survive And Make It!” is about my nearly Decade stay in good ‘ole HOLLYWOOD, CA!! There as a bodyguard that got to network in & around such Celebrities as Paris Hilton, Chris Rock & Oscar-winner Jamie Foxx just to name a few! In this ‘Tell All’ is Great Adventure, a good look at the Fast Lane & much more! So sit tight & enjoy my exper... [Read More...]