Stop Toxic Thoughts: Break Negative Thinking for Stress and Anxiety Relief (When Positive Thinking Is Not Enough)

Stop Toxic Thoughts: Break Negative Thinking for Stress and Anxiety Relief (When Positive Thinking Is Not Enough)

Let’s be real. Your kicka** brain is awesome but can also be a jerk. You’re a rockstar, yet your wrinkly noggin plagues you with “What ifs” and “Not good enoughs.” Cut the bull! Reclaim control over your mind, skip the textbooks and fluff, and get to the nitty-gritty of your situation with proven techniques and advice for a personal transformation. The bottom line — to make meaningful change, you need first to change your mind. So let’s get to work!

Stop Toxic Thoughts is a book anyone can benefit from, whether this is your first step on your self-improvement journey or your one-hundredth. $0.99 on Kindle.
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