Free: The Truth About Life: Revelations Never Told before in the History of Humanity

Suppose you could ask God, Jesus, and other heavenly beings any question, and they would answer you. Questions about existence, why we are here; questions about money, sexuality, religion, why some people are homosexual, why some people have disabilities, how to heal from diseases, the fate of the earth, and no question is out of line. Suppose for a second that heaven came down to answer all the questions that you once thought could never be answered. Suppose for a second that Jesus Himself, Ar... [Read More...]

How to Imagine: Steps for a Better, Happier Life

Your happiness depends on the image of your world that you have built in your mind, and a wrong perception of your place in it will make you less happy. Luckily, you have the innate ability to reset many damaging cognitions using simple and enjoyable methods. Those tools, which rely on the power of your imagination, are readily available to you. $4.90 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Manifest Success: A Journal for Creating a Happy and Prosperous Life in 21 Days

Do you feel you should be so much farther in your career, your business, your life? If the answer is yes, then you are in the right place. I have created a very special workbook called The Manifest Success Journal, and I would love to connect with you there, and, literally, hold your hand as I teach you how to practically apply three key success laws in your day-to-day life. This three-week based workbook is founded upon proven spiritual and practical laws of success. The Manifest Success Journ... [Read More...]

The School of Intentional Living: A Real-World Approach to Living Life on Your Terms

The School of Intentional Living is a practical and eye-opening book about how to break free from conventional wisdom and live on your own terms. Written by founder of The Intentional Living Academy, Sean Rosensteel, this book draws on fundamental lessons from school to provide readers with an actionable and empowering way to love the life they truly deserve. Covering the importance of finding your purpose, how to organize your priorities and quit wasting time on distractions, and the essential... [Read More...]

Free: The Liberated Self

The problem of egotism has long been recognised, so why does it sometimes have such a hold over us? Why do we hope in vain that others will love and respect us, if we submit to their domination? This book provides answers by looking at both sides of the human equation; revealing what drives egotism and why we may unknowingly be attracted to it. The solution to these issues, referred to throughout the text, rests on the choice to free our attention in the moment. As we learn to trust it, not only... [Read More...]

Falling Up: 9 Ways to Transform Trauma into Triumph

Does happiness feel like a thing of the past? Through easy-to-follow techniques that are backed by research, Falling Up gives you the tools you need to emerge from your trauma and grow from it too. A must-read during the time of the pandemic as many of us experience trauma and uncertainty. Plus, see the author’s story in the news in Canada. $ 0.99 on Kindle  ... [Read More...]

The Joy Of Imperfection: A Stress-Free Guide To Silencing Your Inner Critic, Conquering Perfectionism, and Becoming The Best Version Of Yourself!

Would you like to finally overcome perfectionism, silence your inner critic, and eliminate your fear of failure? The Joy Of Imperfection offers a simple, step-by-step blueprint for doing so and becoming the best version of yourself in the process! $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

The Obscured Journey

The human condition is one riddled with complexities about the path we yearn for, who we are and what we believe. We have become so dogmatic in our own beliefs that when they don’t come to fruition or we find them to be a hoax; our journey can come crashing down with doubt, fear, and uncertainty. Many individuals think they know why they are doing what they do, where they will end up, or who they wish to be in 3 to 7 years until a catastrophic event called life occurs. We dream to live advent... [Read More...]

10+ Secrets of the Akashic Records

Shrouded in ancient mystery, the Akashic Records are now emerging as a powerful source of knowing, healing and spiritual practice. This easy read takes you through these secrets, revealing an innovative, modern perspective while resolving in heart and mind the conflicting information out there about the energetic nature of the Akashic Records. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Girl, Show Up for Your Life!

After my mother’s death, I started my movement by posting the statement Girl, Show Up for Your Life as a way to heal. After that, slowly but surely, people began reaching out to me, telling me that statement impacted them somehow. I didn’t understand what it was about me, but I was attracting women who wanted to tell me their stories. In one week, I received stories from three different women who experienced abuse or were still experiencing abuse in some form. I knew I had to do something, ... [Read More...]