Find and Talk with Spirits using a Pendulum

Find and Talk with Spirits using a Pendulum

If you are like almost half the adults in America, you’ve had or are about to have a ghostly encounter.
Why? Because untold millions of spirits have chosen to stay on this mortal plane. So, chances are good that you’ll have an interaction sooner or later.
Will you recognize it when it happens?
Will you be able to talk with the spirit?

You don’t have to wait for it to happen by chance. You can learn how to find and talk with spirits now. In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn the answers to questions such as:
What is a spirit?
What part of me is already in spirit form?
How does spirit communication work with a pendulum?
What type of pendulum should I use?
What do the pendulum movements mean?
How do I find spirits?
How do I interview spirits?
Can I communicate with spirits without a pendulum?

Don’t be caught off guard. Get your copy today. You’ll be glad you did.
$0.99 on Kindle.
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