The Only Real Estate Investing Book For Beginners You’ll Ever Need

The Only Real Estate Investing Book For Beginners You'll Ever Need: Close Your First Deal in 7 Simple Steps Even If You're Broke & Have Zero Experience
Did You Know That Real Estate Investing Has Created 90% Of The World’s Millionaires, And Each Of Them Started As A Complete Beginner Just Like You?

In this book, you’ll learn how regular people are getting richer than ever using real estate investing.

Most people are intimidated by investing because they think they need tons of money, connections, or skills to get started.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

There are many ways to invest with very little cash or even without any money at all!

The secret is that anyone can build a passive wealth-generating real estate portfolio with the correct information.

There are many ways to get real estate investing wrong that can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, countless hours and hours of energy, and even damage your credit score.

Don’t risk it.

This book will save you lots of time, money, and energy in your journey to create long-lasting wealth.

You’ll also learn about all the other benefits real estate investing provides, such as cash flow, appreciation, tax advantages, diversification, building equity & leverage.

This book breaks down these complicated concepts. It gives you an easy step-by-step process to feel confident purchasing your first property.

By using our Simple 7 Step Process laid out in our eleven chapter book, even absolute beginners can easily close their first deal in 90 days or less.

Here’s just a fraction of what you’ll learn inside:

How Regular People Can Become Insanely Wealthy Through Real Estate Investing
The Top 5 Real Estate Investments That Can Change Your Life (And How To Find The One Right For You)
The Swiss Army Knife Of Real Estate Investing Every Successful Investor Like Robert Kiyosaki Has And Knows How To Use
The 6 Best Investment Strategies You Need To Know About (And Probably Dont Right Now)
The Exact 5 Step Process To Buying WHATEVER Property Type You Want As Your First Investment
Confidently Finance Your First Deal Even If You Have Little Money And Bad Credit (Yes, It’s Possible)
How To Find Your First Deal, Close It, And What To Do Next To Capitalize Big Time On Your Investment
What It Takes To Be An Expert At Deal Analysis & Due Diligence So You Don’t Accidentally Buy A Lousy Investment
How To Make An Offer They Can’t Refuse & Negotiate Like Chris Voss
Ways To Easily Manage Your First Property Or Project So You Can Collect Your First Big Check Stress-Free
and much, much more!

You’ll also get a free bonus chapter about creative financing strategies that will help you to scale your portfolio at a rapid pace!

Plus, you’ll receive instructions on how to claim your free digital copy of our 281-page bonus on Apartment Real Estate Investing so you can hit the ground running with bigger investments!

Unlike most other real estate books, this book is not filled with motivational filler content or constant advertisements for a website or other services.

This book also debunks many common real estate myths and uncovers the real truth about the real estate game.

Learn why time in the market is more important than timing the market and many other secrets that only the most elite real estate investors know.

Even if you have never read a single real estate book in your entire life or spent a penny investing, you’ll find this book demystifies the real estate world & will help you create your very own empire. $0.99 on Kindle.
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