Free: Fight Flex Flight™: A Faith-Based Strategy Guide for Parents Concerned about Their Child and Public School

Embrace a proactive, faith-based approach that will ensure your child has a bright educational future—even if you don’t have the budget for an expensive private school.

Is the thought of sending your child to a big public school keeping you up at night?

Are you considering ditching the public school system and opting for a school that aligns with your values and faith?

Do you dream of dropping off your child at school and knowing they will be in a safe, loving environment—one that recognizes them as individuals and makes the necessary accommodations they need to shine academically and socially?

If so, you are most definitely not alone.

A groundbreaking study found that 21.5% of public school teachers in urban areas send their own children to private schools. In some cities—such as Philadelphia—this figure ascends to 43.6%.

The current school system is failing thousands of children, and with security threats and clumsy protocols standing in the way, too many students are vulnerable to violence, abuse, and other major threats.

But it doesn’t have to be this way for your child.

You have options and choices, and this book is here to guide you as you make the important decision of whether to fight for your rights in the existing system, consider flexible options, or opt for homeschooling.

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