Free: The Leadership Lessons of Howard Stern

The Leadership Lessons of Howard Stern: How the King of All Media Can Make Us Better Leaders
Do you have the right energy to lead yourself and others? Are you lacking joyful energy in your career?

Contrary to certain opinions, Howard Stern provides a strong example of what it takes to be a great leader. Howard uses his unique energy and shares it with the world. That is what great leaders do. You are a great leader as well, although you may not yet know how to share your uniqueness with others.

Author Michael Kublin founded PeopleTek after twenty years of career navigation and years of deliberate self-discovery. To help others avoid the frustration of wandering aimlessly without the right tools, Kublin and his organization created a process called the Leadership Journey.

Kublin loves to share real world examples of leadership, and in his fourth book, he wants you to focus on the King of All Media! If you feel like you are out of touch with your own brand of leading, let Howard Stern’s leadership of himself and his team guide you to living and working with fulfillment. Free on Kindle.
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