Free: Giving Back!: Life and Leadership from the Farm to the Combat Zone and Beyond

Giving Back!: Life and Leadership from the Farm to the Combat Zone and Beyond

Giving Back! Is a compilation of real-life events from a life lived in rural America and over a 30-year military career? It encapsulates the lessons of those times that have shaped Dave and helped him develop as a leader and mentor. Giving Back! shows lessons of how to effectively navigate in life, family, and friendships. The book outlines many stories and shares many nuggets of Dave’s life and lessons learned from each. The intimate stories are his way to give back, just as those people and experiences that shaped him along the way gave to me. This writing will drive introspection and thought to hopefully leave you a few treasures to apply to your life, love, and leadership journeys. Free on Kindle.
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Disclaimer: The price of Giving Back!: Life and Leadership from the Farm to the Combat Zone and Beyond was accurate when this post was published on August 29th, 2022. However, Amazon can and does change Kindle book prices frequently and without notice. Always look closely at the price of an ebook on Amazon before clicking that yellow button. If you purchased a Kindle book by accident, it's simple to return, just follow the return instructions here.