Stupidity in Action

Stupidity in Action

Those who knew Clark Huff as a child believed he would either be in jail or dead before he graduated high school. They had good reason to think that. He paid little attention to authority and never considered the risk of his actions. Enjoy these fascinating stories of how this disobedient, adventurous boy learned from his mistakes and survived to became a successful adult. The saga begins with an eight-year-old child who hopes to get a deer rifle for Christmas. As the journey continues throughout his childhood, he pursues the making and building of explosives, rockets, and electronics. Much to his mother’s dismay, he also figures out how to gas his siblings.

Surprisingly, Clark not only lives to graduate high school, but goes on to earn a degree in metallurgical engineering. During his professional career, he becomes a world traveler and immerses himself in other cultures with much hilarity and humility. He also continues to reflect on his mistakes, such as going underground in a flooding mine and being the boss during the construction of a silo that collapsed. By the end of his career he had advanced to become the company’s Vice President of Capital and Technology. These stories are not only entertaining, but will provide you examples of how not to handle a situation. It is always better to learn from someone else’s stupidity. $7.99 on Kindle.
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