Beast Born

Beast Born
Beast Born is the story of a young boy, living a rough home life. He is bullied at school and home with no bright light at the end of his tunnel. Until one night, when he is attacked by a mysterious creature in the dark, Arthur is saved by a man with inhuman abilities and powers he had never seen before. After meeting the man once again, the boy discovers the man who saved him is a Werewolf and he is locked in a never-ending war with Vampires, hiding away from the sight of humanity. While reeling from that realization, Arthur is then given the chance to join the war and become a Werewolf himself. Through brutal trials and challenges, and near-death battles, Arthur discovers an entirely new world he never knew existed right under his nose. Under the watchful eye of his new mentor, Cratos Mane, Arthur will battle through impossible odds to become the greatest Werewolf the world has ever known. $2.99 on Kindle.
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