Iron Blood & Sacrifice (The Sons of Beli Mawr)

Iron Blood & Sacrifice (The Sons of Beli Mawr)

This iron-age saga brings to life some of Wales’ oldest and most revered heroes, those of Mabinogion fame. Lludd Llaw Ereint, Nynniaw, Rianaw, Caswallawn Fawr and Llefelys all walk again in this ground-breaking and entertaining trilogy. Never before have the invasions of Julius Caesar been told in this modern and contemporary way and from the Brythons’ own perspective.

Iron Blood & Sacrifice is a bloody romp through the palisaded hillforts of an ancient Britain when its five Kingdoms were riven by treachery and division. Head-hunters, shadow stalkers and all manner of wild and ungovernable tribes occupy ‘Prydein’ in this almost primal era, but they are forced by their priesthood to put aside past differences and to come together as one for the first time to face a new enemy.

It is no ordinary enemy arriving at their southern shores, as Caesar’s marching machine of tyranny has vanquished every force put in front of it, and the disparate tribes of Prydein must achieve a rare and never-before achieved unity to face this killer of Kings and his unstoppable army. $6.99 on Kindle.

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