Free: Added Sugars The Slow Poison

This book is a simple yet insightful guide to gain information about all aspects of added sugars and their detrimental effects on society: By reading this book you’ll get to know: • How to shop smartly by eliminating the 60 different names of added sugars used in processed foods from your shopping cart to read a healthy family life. • How artificial sweeteners(sucrose&aspartame) added in diabetic diets &diet cokes can cause Neurotoxic effects and cancers after prolonged use. �... [Read More...]

Free: Add THIS to Your Plate!

Moms are constantly piling new things to their plates; if not in their minds, then literally on our plates — hence the dreaded mommy weight gain! As their to-do lists continue to grow, they always (somehow) find a way to add even MORE to their smorgasbord of stuff. It just never ends. Once upon a time, it was enough that women ran the household and raised the children —   now they have added so much more to their plates. Women now have more roles than a French bakery! Juggling it all can ... [Read More...]