Free: Nature Spirits Want to Talk With Us — Listening Journeys in the More-than-Human World

Nature Spirits Want to Talk With Us --- Listening Journeys in the More-than-Human World

A biologist turned nature communicator, Douglas offers a unique perspective by blending her scientific background with her spiritual journey. Through vivid anecdotes and practical guidance, she bridges the tangible world and the spiritual realm of nature. Each chapter is woven with heartfelt stories, poetry, and the wisdom of Indigenous practices, highlighting our intrinsic connection to the environment. The book invites us to reconsider our role within the ecosystem and urges us to harness the power of this connection for personal and global healing. Explore what could be achieved when we ally ourselves with nature. Let’s open our hearts and listen—nature has much to say! Free on Kindle.
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Disclaimer: The price of Nature Spirits Want to Talk With Us — Listening Journeys in the More-than-Human World was accurate when this post was published on August 11th, 2024. However, Amazon can and does change Kindle book prices frequently and without notice. Always look closely at the price of an ebook on Amazon before clicking that yellow button. If you purchased a Kindle book by accident, it's simple to return, just follow the return instructions here.