The Success Protocol: The 5% That Creates Instant, Permanent Change

The Success Protocol: The 5% That Creates Instant, Permanent Change
Feeling trapped in unhappiness, relationship issues, or unfulfilling work? Struggling with stress, anger, or depression? You’re not alone, and you don’t have to stay stuck. This book offers a proven protocol with efficient techniques for achieving peace, happiness, wealth, health, and personal growth. Learn how to make small yet significant shifts to transform your life permanently by distinguishing between the unconscious ‘puppet’ and the observant ‘puppeteer’ within. Discover the biohacking protocol that improved my health and reduced my biological age by 11 years. Break free from the cycle of blame and scarcity, and embrace a transformative journey based on 40 years of experience in finding lasting change. Stephen, a chemist and Harvard-trained business expert, shares his journey from corporate climber to spiritual seeker and coach.

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