The Way, Vol. I – Practical Poetry Inspired by Stoicism

The Way, Vol. I - Practical Poetry Inspired by Stoicism

This volume of 31 poems was written as reflections on and considerations of traditional Stoicism. Topics range from morality, community and the cosmos to vexation, vicissitudes and death.

The spirit of this book is that of reference and encouragement – whether read as one poem each day or all in one sitting, its goal is to show ones life as a part of a larger whole which extends beyond humanity, to inspire progress instead of perfection, and to embolden the reader to improve their moral character daily.

The Way, Vol. I was written while taking inspiration from the discourses of Epictetus, the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Letters and On Anger by Seneca, the philosophy of Chrysippus, as well as analyses of these and a few other works. Each poem is a compilation of 7 haikus covering one topic collectively. $7.00 on Kindle.
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