Make A Wish

Make A Wish
Small town. Southern. Semi-sweet…
Romance doesn’t stand a chance against secrets and lies — or does it?

I, Kenzie Hart, do solemnly swear that I do not harbor feelings for Beck Creek’s golden boy. I left that two-horse town and kept my eyes on the prize: raising my twin daughters, the only family I have left. I’ve longed to know my father’s identity, but that secret died with my mother. So I’ll return to Beck Creek long enough to put the tiny house I grew up in on the market, and never set foot there again.

I’m proud of my family, but boy, are they a generational hot mess. I get it that I’m Ryder Beck, heir to the Beck family dynasty, but most folks make mighty harsh assumptions about me. Sure, some are true, but most are a bunch of bull. When Kenzie Hart comes back to Beck Creek, memories of an eighth-grade kiss transform into a fully adult need. I want to know her as the woman she is now. The question is, will she let me in? Or will an old secret keep us apart? $4.99 on Kindle.
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