Victory of Brothers in Arms

Victory of Brothers in Arms
Victory of Brothers in Arms: The Gripping Tale of the Battle of Agincourt is a creative historical retelling of 14th century England, during the reign of the late King Henry V. Told through the eyes of Will—a member of the intimate circle of the royal guards, created to be a secret squadron to help protect the current monarch on the throne.

Following the crowning of the new king, a long-planned plot to seize the French monarchy finally comes to fruition. It focuses on how the main protagonists prepare for war’s demands before going to fight and see it through to the end. This historical fiction portrays the intimate moments of budding romance and the relationship dynamics between the king and his close circle wedged between the monarchy’s political intricacies and discussions of war strategies.

Victory of Brothers in Arms: The Gripping Tale of the Battle of Agincourt will take you into a different time in history. $2.99 on Kindle.
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