Free: Mr. Mayfair (The Mister Series Book 1)

Mr. Mayfair (The Mister Series Book 1)

My boyfriend is getting married. Okay, technically he’s my ex-boyfriend. Two months ago he decided he wanted a break. I still thought he was my happily ever after. On any other day, knowing he was gone for good would be the worst thing that could possibly happen. But not today. Because not only is my boyfriend getting married—his bride is my best friend. And they’ve sent me an invitation. There’s no way I’m going to attend. I don’t care if it’s in beautiful Scotland. Nothing and no one could convince me. Not even when a deliciously handsome stranger tells me he needs to go as my plus one. Not even when he shoots me a wickedly, sexy smile. But then he offers me the opportunity of a lifetime—a dream come true. How can I say no? I have one condition. He has to be my new boyfriend. I mean, my pretend new boyfriend. Free on Kindle.
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