Free: The Bermuda Connection

The Bermuda Connection
NICK RANDALL is an Archeologist haunted by a recurring nightmare. Having just returned from an expedition in the jungles of Peru, he believes the dream may be tied to his discovery of a previously unknown native tribe, unlike any known to man. When he is nearly killed by assassins, Nick is forced into hiding. JOHN RANDALL, Nick’s son, is a talented Bioengineer who has developed a drug that erases past traumatic experiences, but has an unintended side effect as well. It allows . When his research partner mysteriously disappears, John searches for answers and soon finds himself pursued by a rogue band of military henchmen. Their paths cross when they are both drawn to a mysterious woman on the Island of Bermuda. But they must find her and solve the riddle before a crazed industrialist, and the Chinese military unleash a horrific weapon on humanity. Free on Kindle.
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