The Sales Chain

The Sales Chain

The Sales Chain is an insider’s guide to the pitfalls, tips, tricks and knowledge required to build a successful sales career and business.
This book is for the industry novice, seasoned professional, and sales support staff and this how-to guide for the world of sales has something for everyone.

Rob Elliott has over 30 years of sales experience, training, and public speaking. Rob debunks the sales business and unlocks the essential steps in the sales process.
Afraid of selling, unsure how to start, don’t know who your ideal client is. Do you hear no from your clients more than yes?

Rob takes you through the entire sales process and will show you how to pivot your failures into successful sales.
Included are guest contributions from Global and Australian business leaders and entrepreneurs, like Tara Solberg, Peter Plaut, Alicia Sedgwick, Adam Thompson who share their experiences. $4.95 on Kindle.
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