Free: Take It Down A Notch

Take It Down A Notch
If only men were for sale this time of the year.
Then I could buy one, use him as a companion for my son who needs a male figure in his life, and then return him once we were all good again.
But it doesn’t work that way. A friend mentions a Big Brother Program, and I’m all in.
My little one gets what he needs, and I don’t have to sacrifice my freedom and worry about love loss again.
The handsome guy they assign my son isn’t at all what I expected. Nor are the warm fuzzies I get when I see him.
Come to find out, he’s not there for the best reasons.
But me and my kiddo have fallen in love with this unruly, aggressive alpha male.
There’s no way to work out the desires bubbling up inside of me and keep my morals in check.
And for the first time in my life, I want to make the wrong decision. The selfish one. The one just for my own deep, dark pleasures.
To find out that he’s beyond wealthy, just like my son’s father was, leaves me cold. I should run far from him.
My ex’s family made me sign a contract promising to never tell about the baby in my belly.
My life was forever changed.
Rich people are horrible people.
This new love interest is no different.
Yet I’m trapped in desire and drowning in need when he’s around.
With no way to take it down a notch.
Not sure I would if I could…Free on Kindle.

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