Free: Everest Not Everest

Jeff Botz is a renowned photographer celebrated for his evocative photo essay on the Himalayas, a tribute to the regions grandeur and cultural richness. Using large format black and white film, he channels the spirit of 19th and early 20th-century exploration photography, drawing inspiration from masters like Ansel Adams and Caspar David Friedrich.

His work transcends traditional travel photography, aiming to evoke deep personal reflection and spiritual connection with the mountains. Praised for moving beyond the informative sublime of conventional nature photography, Jeff Botz also offers a critical perspective on historical narratives, advocating for the use of indigenous names Sagarmatha and Qomolungma over the colonial name Everest.

Through his compelling images and thoughtful essays, Jeff Botz challenges viewers to engage with the Himalayas in a more profound and respectful manner. Free on Kindle.
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