Gunslinger: The Complete Series

Gunslinger: The Complete Series


Fourteen-year-old Connor Mack dreams of a life full of adventure while he’s stuck plowing, doing chores, and being worked to death on a half barren family spread in East Texas. He plans to one day flee the beatings delivered by his hulking older brothers and lazy pa. But he knows when he does, he has to take his twin sister, Abby, with him.

Connor gets his chance when River Hicks, a man wanted for the murder of a policeman in Fort Worth, rides into town with a pack of bounty hunters on his trail. As the gun smoke clears, and Connor has killed men for the first time in his life, he knows this is his and Abbys time to escape their life of abuse.

Knowing the law will soon be on their heels, they follow Hicks an outlaw driven by his own demons and deep secrets, which somehow involve the Mack twins.

Conner has a lot of learning and growing up to do and he has to stay alive to do it.

Read along across nine action-packed books as odds are defied, relentless dangers are faced, and treacherous journeys of self-discovery are navigated in an attempt to carve out a life of freedom in several gripping tales.

Gunslinger: The Complete Series includes Gunslinger: Killer’s Chance, Gunslinger: Killer’s Fuse, Gunslinger: Killer’s Choice, Gunslinger: Killer’s Train, Gunslinger: Killer’s Reckoning, Gunslinger: Killer’s Brand, Gunslinger: Killer’s Ghost, Gunslinger: Killer’s Gamble, and Gunslinger: Killer’s Requiem. $0.99 on Kindle.
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