Secret Second Chance Baby

I never expect to see my billionaire ex again the father of my child, a guarded secret for years.
Six years ago, Bryan Knight offered an irresistible deal: play his girlfriend,
secure his inheritance, and he’d fund my law school dreams.

His chiseled jawline and magnetic charm made the charade dangerously easy.
Our pretense soon turned passionate, leaving me with a secret he doesn’t know.

But fate has other plans. Bryan needs my legal skills to defend his medical reputation.
I need this win for my career. But working side-by-side is torture.

His piercing hazel eyes still tempt me to sin, his touch stirs memories I’ve tried to forget.
As the trial heats up, so does our rekindled flame.

The truth about Cooper threatens to emerge with each passing moment.
Revealing his existence could shatter everything I’ve built or create the family we never dare to imagine. $2.99 on Kindle.
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