

In a world where nine out of every ten females have been taken by a virus, the surviving females scramble to maintain their autonomy to evade the collectors who have been commissioned by the government to bring in survivors for internment in shelters, and to hide from those who are actively hunting them.

Zen is determined to keep her children alive in the aftermath of the breakdown of civilization. She was one of the lucky or unlucky ones to be immune to the virus, as was her only daughter.

When they are captured and separated after years spent in hiding, Zen’s sole purpose is to escape the forced confinement and locate her children.

When she commits a desperate act, she is turned out of the shelter, only to come face-to-face with her past.

The pandemic that wrecked life as everyone knew it only made business better for Cy and his teams.

When her name bled across the screen in his hand, he didn’t hesitate to take the contract. Of all the women in the world, she had survived.

It took him twenty years to find her – she wasn’t getting away from him again. $0.99 on Kindle.
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