Free: Finding Joy

Finding Joy
Have you spent your life giving so much of yourself to others that you no longer know who you are anymore?

40-year-old Joy Donnoly, recently widowed following her husbands decade-long progressive illness, finds herself all alone after her triplets leave for college and university.

Without anyone to take care of for the first time in two decades, Joy realizes she has given so much of herself to take care of her family that she lost herself in the process. Unable to figure out what to do next, she falls into a depression, losing herself to television and social media to cope with her grief. When her daughters step in to do an intervention Joy begins a journey to rediscover herself and find a new way forward.

Join Joy on her journey of self-discovery, as she fights her way through the darkness to reclaim her identity, and in doing so, not only finds herself but finds a way to step into her future with happiness and joy.

Author Tara White wrote the majority of this book on location in Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia (literally sitting on the rocks looking out into the Atlantic Ocean), and in Waikoloa, Hawaii, two of the settings in the book. The rocks and ocean on the book cover are from an actual picture taken during one of her writing sessions. She visited Nova Scotia many times a year in one of her prior jobs and took advantage of the opportunity to get out to Peggys Cove to squeeze in a few hours of writing on her trips. Peggys Cove quickly became her magical writing place where, as soon as she sits down on the rocks and opens her laptop, her fingers just start flying across the keyboard and the characters come to life! Since she started visiting Peggys Cove fairly regularly over five years ago, she has easily spent over a couple of hundred hours on the rocks, and on many of those visits, she searched the ocean for a whale or a dolphin, without one sighting. On her last trip to Peggys Cove, with her completed manuscript in the rental car in the parking Free on Kindle.
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