Free: The Sleeper

The Sleeper

Former soldier Ash Sanders is plagued by violent nightmares. Gunfire. Explosions. Blood. A nameless attacker. In his nightmare, Ash fights off his attacker, killing him.

In the morning, he wakes to find his wife lying in bed beside him. Murdered.

Ash is about to take the fall for his wife’s death until he’s exonerated by sleep psychologist Mina Irving. She discovers that Ash has a variation of REM Behavior Disorder called sleep violence and that he had no control over what he was doing. But, while the disorder is real, Ash’s symptoms don’t quite match up with any of Minas other patients.

Something else is going on.

Ash has memories of a life he doesn’t understand. And dreams that don’t make sense.

People are following him.

They want whats in his mind.

And will kill him to get it.

The Sleeper is the first technothriller novel by the acclaimed Sleep Doctor, Dr. Michael Breus. Free on Kindle.
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