Poorly Wrapped Gifts

Poorly Wrapped Gifts
Do you feel unheard, invalidated, scared, lost and alone after learning about your partners affair?

Do you feel stuck in your grief and are afraid you will never get your spark for life back?Are you overwhelmed by non-stop triggers and feel isolated because of the thoughts, visions and intense emotions you are having?

Having your world shatter because you have been betrayed by your partner is devastating, leaving you feeling scared, abandoned, rejected, embarrassed and out of control. Healing feels insurmountable. In this authentic and vulnerable book, the author shares her healing path after learning about her partners affair, striving to validate your experience and affirm to you that you are not alone in your pain and grief. This author says it like it is, giving a more practical and personal approach to healing than some of the more clinical resources out there. $0.99 on Kindle.
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