Like Sweet Buttermilk

Family therapist Naomi Alexander has a no-nonsense approach to everything—except her personal life. Still in mourning for her murdered husband, she shares a shameful secret with her twenty-year-old daughter. And for the first time in a long time, she has an intriguing case. Richard Phillips is leading what seems to be a comfortable home-life with his wife, Vivian, and their daughter. But Viv reveals that she’s seeing someone else—and Rick’s determination to make things right again leads him down a disastrous path, changing him from a boring suburban husband into a spontaneous man with an intense adventurous edge. Through therapy with Dr. Alexander, Rick and Viv attempt to salvage their marriage and find renewed passion for each other. Naomi, however, knows that all is not as it seems. She fears Viv may be in danger—from the one person she trusts most. In this suspenseful story, a therapist seeks to help a couple overcome the obstacles of betrayal and deception and regain their love for each other. $0.99 on Kindle.
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