Free: Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine

Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine

When the Mayor Himself decides the town of Someport-by-the-Sea needs a new fire engine the Fire Chief picks a shiny, bright red one that has all the latest tools needed to put out fires. The new fire engine becomes the joy of the children in town and the pride of the fireman and townspeople alike.

But after many years the fire engine becomes old and worn until everyone begins to laugh and call it Rusty. Sad and forlorn Rusty is ignored and forgotten. Then during the 4th of July parade in a summer like no other Rusty saves the day in a most surprising and unusual way.

Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine tells the story of a fire engine and the fireman and boy who love him. It is a lighthearted and multi-layered story, richly told, that will appeal to children and adults alike.

Whimsical illustrations create an air of fantasy, drawing children into Rusty’s world while stimulating their imaginations as they follow Rusty’s journey from hero to outcast and back again.

The surprise ending brings the tale to a heart-warming and satisfying conclusion that reveals all things have hidden value that is waiting to be released. Rusty the Forgotten Fire Engine is a classic story of love, loss, transformation and redemption. Free on Kindle.
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