Free: HAN: Her Ruthless Mistake: 50 Loving States, Delaware (Ruthless Triad Book 4)

HAN: Her Ruthless Mistake: 50 Loving States, Delaware (Ruthless Triad Book 4)
This ruthless crime lord’s kindness comes with a price. Possession. Complete and utter.

JAZZ: I’m a determined dreamer–at least I used to be. I put all my dreams on hold and withdrew every penny from my savings account to pay the debt my ailing father owes to a local gang. Except, according to the gang’s slimy leader, even my life savings won’t be enough to pay the enormous debt my dad’s accrued. And his leering gaze lets me know exactly how he wants me to pay the balance. A ruthless stranger offers to pay my remaining debt. He’s a tattooed crime lord, a cold, beautiful animal who regards me with dead eyes. The price for this kindness? Possession. The complete and utter kind. You’re mine, he informs me when I ask him why he did it, leaving me to figure out…. Is he my unexpected savior or my ruthless mistake?

HAN: I learned from a young age that women aren’t worth much. They don’t stay. They’re not loyal. They weaken you, then disappear at the first sign of trouble. That’s why I don’t do relationships–especially with good girls who have no place in my criminal underworld. I should stay away from her. Let her pay me back some other way. But I can’t. She’s golden sunshine wrapped in a sexy little package, lighting up all the dark parts of my heart. And when she asks me why I did it, two words rise without thought or reason. You’re mine. She thinks I’m the mistake, but it’s the other way around. I don’t do relationships. I don’t even let women spend the night. But this one…She has me breaking all of my rules. Free on Kindle.
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Disclaimer: The price of HAN: Her Ruthless Mistake: 50 Loving States, Delaware (Ruthless Triad Book 4) was accurate when this post was published on March 11th, 2022. However, Amazon can and does change Kindle book prices frequently and without notice. Always look closely at the price of an ebook on Amazon before clicking that yellow button. If you purchased a Kindle book by accident, it's simple to return, just follow the return instructions here.