Free: World Without End, Amen: (Book 3, Edie in Love Trilogy)

World Without End, Amen: (Book 3, Edie in Love Trilogy)
She’s chasing her new life, but an unexpected tragedy brings him closer than ever before. Edie has nothing left in New York City. Her friends are married, her father has passed, and her big chance to change her life drifted off with the wind.When she overhears women talking about a far-off paradise where an American can live an inexpensive, luxurious life, Edie knows that this is the next step for the Carow women. Determined to make the best of her life, to explore the artist she could be, Edie sets out to cross the Atlantic and move to Italy, leaving behind the Roosevelts and American spinsterhood forever.But a tragedy is brewing under the Roosevelt roof, and Theo’s world is about to crumble. Edie doesn’t know where she fits into the Roosevelt world anymore, but she knows this: Edith Kermit Carow will change her life no matter what. Based on the true story of Theodore Roosevelt II’s second wife, World Without End, Amen is the final book in the Edie in Love trilogy. If you loved Edie in Would That I Could and Perhaps I Will, pick up this riveting conclusion today! Free on Kindle.
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