Free: Stolen Moments (The Sunshine Affair, Book 1)

Stolen Moments: The Sunshine Affair: Book 1
Sleeping With The Enemy + Safe Haven = Stolen Moments

Is Love Worth Dying For?

The Serial Storyteller is back with a tale so tantalizingly real you’ll swear it’s true! Set in 1999, Stolen Moments allows you to be a fly on the wall watching Eric and Tina as a chance meeting turns to friendship then attraction and then into a love affair. Eric and Tina’s love for one another must be kept in the shadows to stay one step ahead of Tina’s husband. Thirteen years of marriage have given her two amazing children but left her with virtually no self-esteem or self-worth, because her husband has relentlessly stripped away both with his indifference and belittling comments.

Tina wants to leave her husband but doing so will be difficult, dangerous, and deadly. Tina’s husband is fighting to keep her and will do everything and anything to do so. Eric has been waiting for Doug to make his move but there is one thing Eric didn’t see coming. Taken from the entries in Eric’s journal you’ll be able to experience events as they unfold before your eyes.

Book One in The Sunshine Affair series. Free on Kindle

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