All The Way Turnt Up

All The Way Turnt Up

Chin, a 14 year-old boy, is quickly forced to become a man. Smitten by the death of his older brother Trey Vance and the lack of love from a mother whose life in the fast lane soon catches up to her. Chin is left with no choice but to hustle to feed him and his younger brother Zach. All the while his sole ambition remains to make it out of Atlanta’s infamous housing projects— Bankhead Court.
Just a few door down, 16 year-old Georgia has the same ambition. With her striking physical features and her hustlers mentality, it’s not long before her dream comes to fruition. Rather than waiting on a handout, Georgia uses her brazen tactics and cunning plunder to fulfill the void in her pockets. Little do Chin and Georgia know as time progresses, life is going to bring them closer than they ever expected, but not before a whirlwind of trials and tribulations work to consume their destinies.
This roller coaster ride of love, survival, murder and redemption is sure to warm your heart, win you over, and leave you begging for more while confirming that Chin and Georgia are… All The Way Turnt Up! $2.99 on Kindle.

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