Free: Marketing on Fleek: How to Make Your Marketing & Professional Efforts Count In A Customer-Centric World

Marketing on Fleek: How to Make Your Marketing & Professional Efforts Count In A Customer-Centric World
From award-winning marketing guru and tech expert, Kobi Ben Meir comes a book that is a treatise on how anyone with passion, determination and the willingness to make it big in marketing can realize their dream. Born in an era that was undergoing a revolutionary change, the Israel-born author uses Marketing on Fleek – How to Make Your Marketing And Professional Efforts Count In A Customer-Centric World to detail not only the personal and professional obstacles he overcame but how the lessons he learned along the way shaped his outlook. This included immigrating to the US where he benefited from career-defining opportunities. Each step of the growth process is explained meticulously and each chapter builds from the previous one to create a map that can be followed to marketing success. The book covers critical and practical information that a professional needs to be successful without losing sight of the big picture. This includes methods that can rejuvenate ailing self-esteem, an exploration of the needs of the modern consumer and an insider look in B2B and B2C markets. Free on Kindle.
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Disclaimer: The price of Marketing on Fleek: How to Make Your Marketing & Professional Efforts Count In A Customer-Centric World was accurate when this post was published on February 19th, 2020. However, Amazon can and does change Kindle book prices frequently and without notice. Always look closely at the price of an ebook on Amazon before clicking that yellow button. If you purchased a Kindle book by accident, it's simple to return, just follow the return instructions here.

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