Free: Ludik and the Runaway Mountain

Most people call me Ludi or Lud, even though my name is Ludik. Or they do call me Ludik, but I cant catch the k on their lips. No, it doesn’t bother me being deaf, that is. Still, if given the choice, I would’ve gone with ugly.
There are many misconceptions about deafness, but the oddest to me is that we are void of sound, which is simply not true. And it’s with a sound that my story begins.

With the earth-shattering thunder of a runaway mountain.

The mountain destroyed everything Ive ever known. My village, my friends, my family. All gone. I don’t care why it ran. I’ll make sure it never moves again.

A well-written and exciting new take on epic fantasy mixed with alternate realities. Great characterization, plotting, and action mixed with interesting world building makes this a winner. Bryan Thomas Schmidt, #1 bestselling author of Shortcut and Hugo-nominated editor Free on Kindle.
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