Free: The Final Visit: The Story Behind this Century’s Chapter in the Next Edition of the Bible

The Final Visit: The Story Behind this Century’s Chapter in the Next Edition of the Bible
A journey unlike any other

A freak confluence of cosmic and serendipitous events unexpectedly leads three clerics, strangers to one another, to a bar in the middle of nowhere on a Pacific island, to have dinner with a revered local mystic.

They hoped, at best, the evening would not be totally boring. Never did they expect it to mark the beginning of a journey that will decide the fate of mankind. Or to lead them not only to the true meaning of life the meaning that has eluded and been botched by religions and philosophers ever since the dawn of critical thinking but also to the reason why people who are assholes permeate the universe, and how all of that fits into the revised master plan for the universe. Free on Kindle.
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