Free: Love Again: A Second Chance At Love Story (BWWM)

Love Again: A Second Chance At Love Story (BWWM)
In an effort to fulfil his promise to his deceased wife, David Thaxton finds himself auditioning for a major talent competition. Following his disastrous audition David life spirals out of control and he hits an all-time low, that is until he meets Sadie.

Sadie Milstead is on the verge of losing the last link to her late husband- his precious City kitchen. The hardworking widow is in a hard place as the city closes in on her property. The future of the City kitchen seems bleak until she meets David.

The analogous duo, in their quest for justice and redemption, finds themselves developing a beautiful friendship. As the pair spends more time together, sparks begin to fly. Can this be the second chance at love for two souls in turmoil? Free on Kindle.
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