Love’s Betrayal

Love's Betrayal
It takes only a moment to say you love someone, but a lifetime of regret when they break your heart.
One Christian woman’s true story and she regretted God’s warning to NOT BE unevenly yoked.
Would she survive his abuse, or will her heart die trying?

A young, nave girl convinces herself that her love for him would make all well.
Cara wanted to be loved, while Paul took her innocence and treated her like trash.
Because she loved him above all else, she ignored the warnings, excusing his selfish desires.
She overlooked his bullying and control.
She ignored his sardonic family members, who encouraged him to ill-treat her further.
She felt powerless to stand against the persecution. Only her faith in God and reading His promises, kept her going.

What would become of her? Where could she go or turn for help?
A hard lesson over many years, yet later she could remember the scripture that said.
“All things work together for good for those who love Him and are called, according to His purpose.”.

Read one woman’s journey through years of torment $0.99 on Kindle.
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