It’s Never Been a Level Playing Field: Overcoming 8 Racial Myths to Even the Field

In It’s Never Been a Level Playing Field, the author embarks on a journey to dissect and challenge the deeply ingrained myths that continue to perpetuate racial inequality in America. Each chapter delves into a specific myth, from the fallacy of equal opportunity to the enduring inequalities in housing, education, and justice systems.

In this book, you will:

Uncover the pervasive influence of White-oriented systems and beliefs that have shaped American society for centuries.
Understand the historical structures, both legal and cultural, that have upheld White advantage and supremacy.
Dismantle the illusion of a level playing field and expose systemic biases that disadvantage African Americans in housing, education, and justice systems.

Discover a roadmap for systemic change and transformative policies to build a more equitable future.

It’s Never Been a Level Playing Field is a call to action for all Americans to understand race issues in America and contribute to the fight for equality. $0.99 on Kindle.
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